+ Trios, Tea Pot, Sugar Bowl, Milk Jug, Cake Stand & Cake Plate

+ Trios & Milk Jug

+ Milk Jug, Sugar Bowl

+ Cake Stand

+ Trios, Duos, Coffee Pot, Sugar Bowl, Milk Jug & Cake Plate

+ Trios, Milk Jug & Cake Plate

+ Trios, Coffee Pot, Milk Jug, Sugar Bowl, Cake Plate & Cake Stand

+ Trios, Milk Jug, Cake Plate

+ Milk Jug & Cake Plate

+ Trios, Tea Pot, Coffee Pot, Milk Jug, Cake Plate & Cake Stand

+ Tea Pot, Milk Jug

+ Trios, Sugar Bowl, Milk Jug & Cake Plate

+ Trios, Milk Jug & Cake Plate

+ Trios, Duos, Tea Pot, Coffee Pot, Milk Jug & Cake Plate

+ Milk Jug

+ Trios, Sugar Bowl & Cake Plate

+ Sugar Bowl

+ Trios, Tea Pot, Coffee Pot, Sugar Bowl, Cake Stand & Cake Plate

+ Tea Pot & Sugar Bowl

+ Trios, Sugar Bowl, Cake Plate

+ Trios, Sugar Bowl & Cake Plate

+ Sugar Bowl & Cake Plate

+ Trios, Duos, Tea Pot, Coffee Pot, Sugar Bowl & Cake Plate

+ Trios

+ Trios & Tea Pot

We have a stunning range of tea pots, sugar bowls and milk jugs for your afternoon tea. Some match our china trios, others are just so pretty that we had to have them anyway. Why not have a mismatch of them on your tables; you could even use them as centerpieces, filled with an array of colourful blooms.
Hire Prices:
Teapots & Coffee Pots £4.00 each
Sugar Bowls & Milk Jugs £0.75 each